Please Note: Pain signals that the body is experiencingimbalances, overuse or discomfort. If you notice redness or swelling, and the pain is moresevere than the surrounding areas, consult a doctor immediately. There may be an infection or a blood clot which needs to betreated immediately. You should not stoptaking or alter prescription medication without consulting your doctor.
Here are five steps to natural pain control with thepower of your mind for anyone who wants to learn how to manage chronic, ongoingpain without resorting to medication or side effects.
Your biggest obstacle is fear.
Simply put, fear = anxiety = inflammation = fear = morefear = greater anxiety.
Your doctor must accurately diagnose the root cause ofyour pain. Otherwise, your mind will drift to the "what if?" Game... like "What ifI have this or another disease?" ",or "what if it gets worse?" Or"What if the pain doesn't go away?" It only makes the pain worse. "Trying" to notthink about it is like trying to not think about a pink elephant.
Your doctor will give you theories and run tests todetermine the cause of your pain. Until those results are available, you may bewondering about your health and well being, particularly if you are disabled. Although the root cause ofyour pain may not be known, you can still manage your relationship with it,provided that you are under medical supervision.
Two important skills for managing chronic pain areblocked by fear: relaxation and concentration.
Fear is not the opposite of love. Your body is your enemy. So love your body! Youonly have one body, so it makes sense to love it and work with it. Pain is a sign to pay attention. It will not make the pain disappear if you ignore it.
Natural pain control can be completed by trusting andbelieving in your body's ability to manage pain using the pharmacy of yourbrain.
Your body produces its own painkilling compound that ischemically identical to morphine, called endorphin. These receptors, which aresimilar to morphine's, are why morphine and its derivatives can be addictive.
To preserve other vital organs and functions, endorphinsmust be administered in a specific way to each site. They are used at just theright time, at precisely the right dosage, at the right time. Have you ever noticed abruise on your body and forgotten how it happened?
It is important to remember that miraculous recovery hasbeen made by many people from some of the most severe diseases, even those whoare near death.
Third, focus only on the current moment through yoursenses. The threetypes of pain that you experience are: the pain that you have experienced fromthe past, the pain you feel now, and the future pain you expect. This can be made easier by creating a calm, relaxedatmosphere and providing full body support.
Relax in a calm and safe environment. Close your eyes andconcentrate on your innermost thoughts. Slowly rhythmically, use your diaphragmmuscles to breathe through your belly. You should pay attention to how you slowly exhale all theair from your lungs. Do this by gently stretching your abdomen and thenreleasing. Deep relaxation is an essentialpart of pain management. This is how you breathe while you sleep. You can reduce your pain by making your exhales last longer.
Once you are settled, the fourth step is to allow yourmind to relax. This can be done starting at the top of your head and ending atthe tip your toes. This shouldtake you at least an hour.
Progressive relaxation does not refer to releasing andtensing muscles. This can cause muscle strain and make it difficult to movepainful parts of the body.
First, relax your eyelid muscles to the point that theyare heavy. Next, gently relax your forehead, scalp and facial muscles. Then,move on to your neck, neck, shoulders and arms. Finally, relax your hands,fingers, torso, and go down to your feet. Mentally relaxing each muscle as yougo. As yourblood vessels dilate, you will feel warmth or tingling in the hands and feet.This lowers blood pressure. Your limbs maybecome heavier or your body may seem floating.